Downloading a Station(s) System Log

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The System Log can be used to track multiple things, such as:

  • Reboots
  • Receiving and placing calls
  • Accessing the Web GUI
  • Door release
  • Firmware upgrades
  • Monitoring other stations
  • NTP updates
  • Error tracking
To download a station system log from an IX Series station both the PC retrieving the log and the IX Series station will need to be on the same logical network. You will also need the administrator ID and password of each station to access its Web GUI.


Step 1 – Accessing the Web GUI

Using a web browser (IE8+ preferred), browse to the unit by typing “https://IPAddress/webset.cgi?login”. Once the webpage has loaded you will need to bypass the security certificate warning and continue to the login webpage.


Security certificate error image


Step 2 – Finding the System Log

Select a language option and enter the Administrator ID and Password for the IX Series station, click Login. Using the sidebar menu, navigate to Maintenance and click “System Log”. Selecting this will bring you to the download page.



Step 3 – Downloading the System Log

Click Download under the System Log heading.



Navigate to the download folder to find the IX Series station downloaded System Log.



Each station will save the System Log as systemlog.txt, for ease of navigation, rename each system log after downloading it


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