Downloading and Uploading Setting Files

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Steps to download and upload setting files from an IS-IP station.



Downloading a Setting File
  1. Open a web browser and enter “https://” followed by the IP address of the device into the address bar.
  2. Click past the security certificate error, select a language, and login to the device using the admin ID and password.
  3. From the left hand side menu, click “Downloading the Setting File” and then click the Download button.
  4. Save the file.
Uploading a Setting File
  1. Open a web browser and enter “https://” followed by the IP address of the device into the address bar.
  2. Click past the security certificate error, select a language, and login to the device using the admin ID and password.
  3. From the left hand side menu, click “Uploading the setting file” and then click the Upload button.
  4. Click the Browse button and navigate to an existing setting file, click Ok.
  5. With the browse field filled out with the correct information, click the Upload button.
  6. A red message “settings are not applied until you click the Update button.” will appear at the top of the screen. Do not proceed to Updating the system yet, instead go to “Network Setting: Individual” and confirm that the network settings are correct.
The configuration file will typically have an IP address assignment outside the range of your network, be sure to change this address to something that makes sense for the network it is connected to (or will be connected to), then click Temporarily stored.
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