IS-SOFT Communication Errors

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A few of the most common IS-SOFT communication errors, what they mean and how to solve them.



“Connection with the central control unit has failed”, “Setting file cannot be acquired”, and “Communication with the central control unit is not possible” are the three most common communication errors users will experience with IS-SOFT.


Connection with the central control unit has failed


  • This error will occur when the connection password in IS-SOFT does not match the connection password in the host’s network settings, as seen below.

The default connection password will always be “aiphone”.
  • The same error message will appear when the MAC address of the NIC card does not match the MAC address in the host’s IP Unit Registration Page.


Setting file cannot be acquired and communication with the central control unit is not possible


  • This error will occur when the IP address and connection port in IS-SOFT does not match the IP address and connection port in the host’s network settings, as seen below.

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